We established LIFE groups because of our
Passion for People
Jesus lived relational and intentional in His relationships, and it's our desire to do the same!
Small Groups have one, simple purpose—to bring people together! We believe God created us to live in community with others, and only then, can we experience the full life He intends for us.
These small groups are designed to be
a place to CONNECT,
a place to PROTECT,
and a place to GROW.
These LIFE Groups meet in a variety of places like homes, parks, restaurants, coffee shops, and office buildings depending on the activities people would like to be involved in.
Interested in Hosting a
Interested in joining a Life Group?
Coming up in February 2025

Feb 1 - Apr 30
Bi-Weekly Friday from
8 Ladies only
Ezekiel 47:12 NKJV
Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees...their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.
We meet to learn how to use herbs to make healing tinctures and teas.

Feb 2 - Apr 30
First Sunday from
No Max
Share more than just a meal - share life.
Join us for a nights of true fellowship, where everyone’s welcome. We believe that real connections and spiritual growth happen when we break bread together, laugh, learn, and lean on each other in prayer. So come experience what happens when friends become family around the table.

Feb 1 - Apr 5
Every Saturday at
10 People
Run 3.6 miles to prayer every Saturday and pray with the church.

Feb 28 - Apr 30
4to sábado
6 Parejas
Grupo para crear más unidad , confianza entre los matrimonios , tener crecimiento espiritual y desarrollar crecimiento en el cuerpo de Cristo.

Mar 1 - Apr 19
Every Saturday at
6 Men Only
A group of men that want to see their greatest potential reached in their our lives and the lives of others by Developing and mentoring them.

Feb 10 - Apr 25
Every Monday at
8 People
Influence to Impact is a life group for business owners and leaders ready to embrace their God-given marketplace calling. Learn how to go beyond influence to create lasting change, fostering integrity, service, and growth in your workplace and community. Align your leadership with purpose and make an impact that transforms lives and leaves a legacy.

War Council
Feb 22 - May 4
Playing basketball and mentoring and sharpening Men.

Feb 14 - Apr 25
Bi-Weekly Friday at
4 Couples only
Dating your spouse is vital for keeping your marriage healthy! Are you looking for new ways to do that? We'll keep things fun even on a tight budget! A date isn't always dinner. We will all learn different creative ideas and then put them to practice!

Feb 6 - Apr 3
Every Thursday at
No Max
This will be a group of men that can have a place we can be transparent and honest about where we are, receive encouragement, correction and have someone beside us to walk with us out of the cave and into the plan of God for our life.

Mar 2 - Apr 20
Every Sunday from
20 People
Faith building exercises that will help us build our faith stronger and use it out of our mouths. We will read the bible, walk, as well as do fun exercises each week and close with prayer.

Feb 4 - Apr 1
at 630pm
12 Ladies Only
Our group is made up of women and we will be studying women in the Bible and identifying how we can relate to that woman. We will break down names characteristics struggles successes adversities and what we would do in certain situations.

Feb 13 - Apr 24
Bi-Weekly Thursdays at
8 Ladies Only
Through this group we will learn to rely on God's power to transform ourselves, our husbands, our circumstances, and our marriage. We will learn how to invite God's power into our husband's life.

Mar 1 - Apr 19
Bi-Weekly Saturday at
10 Ladies
Join us for Nourish Your Temple, a four-week group focused on healthy, budget-friendly eating. We’ll explore how caring for our bodies honors God and impacts our mind, soul, and emotions. Be open-minded to new meal plans. Every two weeks, we’ll prepare themed meals together at Tara’s house. Let’s grow in faith and wellness!

Kuononia Comiendo Pan Espiritual
Feb 25 - Apr 30
Estudios bíblicos del Génesis capítulo 1,2 y 3, conociendo al Padre el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo desde el principio de la creación.

Mar 1 - Apr 25
Every Saturday at
No Max
Large and small group discussions, devotions, and bible studies that focuses on the purpose and future of biblical masculinity/manhood.

Feb 8 - Apr 5
Starts Feb 8 at
No Max
This support group will consist of single parents with sole custody of their children. The single parent can be a mother or father. This is a collaboration platform for single parents with commonalities in single parenthood. We will pray together, share ideas, have fun and support each other.

Feb 25 - Apr 22
Martes quincenal a las
15 Personas
Vamos a compartir algo de comida y hablar sobre los Frutos del Espíritu.

Mar 10 - Apr 28
Every Saturday at
7 People
This study involves a verse-by-verse meditation approach focused on scripture memorization, contemplation, and practical application in daily life. It will be conducted through a seven-step weekly format.

Feb 10 - Apr 10
Monthly at
7 Ladies Only
God has a special word for us because of who we are and what we have endured while serving our country. The journey did not destroy us because God held our hands, walked with us, and gave us power, dominion and authority to serve each day without fear.

Young Men Chasing Ministry
Mar 4 - Apr 8
5 Young men
Young men who are ready to chase after ministry, and find or fulfill the plan that God has for them!

Mar 1 - May 3
Every Saturday at
10 Men only
We will meet and discuss the chapters that we read each week and the what the word of God says about becoming a man of God.

Feb 23 - Apr 30
4th Sunday from
No Max
This is the group for you if you desire to live your best single but whole life in the Lord. From 18 years old or 80 years old. We encourage each other in our walk with the Lord by sharing our rewards, victorious battles and road to self mastery as a single woman. We have lots of activities planned with will include fellowship, food and friendship.

Feb 1 - Apr 30
2nd Friday from
15 People
Praying, for the church, for the pastor, for the staff and that God fulfills his purpose here in the church as in heaven.

Feb 15 - Apr 26
Bi-weekly Saturday at
6 Boys Only
Calling all male youth interested in watching Bible based movies! We will watch a movie then spend some time discussing what we took away from it.

Feb 15 - Apr 26
Evert Saturday at
No Max
This life group is for young adult & high school seniors who will meet together to strengthen, sharpen, and encourage each other, while also keeping ourselves accountable in our walk with Christ! It is more urgent now than ever that we continue to prepare as the Bride of Christ, and to prepare for our own futures as young women!

Coffee and Fellowship
Feb 13 - Apr 1
Our group will meet twice a month for fellowship and discuss life matters.